Friday 19 August 2011

Your Conscience!

Do you ever wonder how are brain works and how our conscience comes in to play. Well I would like to share some of my thoughts! You wake up and it starts your brain is on it really never shuts off and what is next is your day going to be good or bad. We listen to our conscience and hope for the best. It seems to me that we have to fight the urge every day but if you think about it we are a living beings and have been here for thousands of years. What did we do then we had to live yes we have evolved but I am pretty sure they had a conscience too.

My brain makes me wonder if I am going nuts sometimes and I think I am NUTS. But I as I go on it sort of makes sense. Again it is about choices and making the right one, and I am sure we all would want to choose the wrong one or the one that would make you feel better when in reality it will make it worse. Life lessons you got love it "not" it can be scary thinking all the time what am I doing here and why am I here? and what is right ? We all have differnt beliefs and religions and that is a great thing. Freedom I never really thought about it until I got locked up and I could not shut off my brain nightmares thinking thinking and some more, it felt like there is this movie going on in your head and somebody hit the repeat button.

Now I have more control of my conscience and make better decisions why? because I don't fill my body full of booze or pills or cocaine so if anyone is wondering why life is hard listen to the GOOD side of your conscience it takes time and time you have I am 99.9% sure know one wants to live in misery I sure don't want to,until next time keep on fighting that conscience.  

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